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WATCH: How the outlandish costumes in ‘Ten Little Mistresses’ came to be

If there’s anything that’s equally as colorful and loud as the boisterous and hilarious ladies of Ten Little Mistresses, it’s the out-of-this-world outfits.

In case you’re wondering how the production team was able to come up with such wonderful and head-turning wardrobe, check out this fashion featurette where costume designer Jay Lorenz Conanan and headpiece and wig artist Jaydee Jasa, executive producer Perci Intalan and writer-director Jun Robles Lana provide a behind-the-scenes look at their creation.

“The challenge for me as a costume designer when I first saw the script was how I can make them pop while being together, and while being alone as individuals,” shares costume designer Jay Lorenz Conanan. “The core of the design is gonna be a pageant; it’s gonna be a competition.”

Executive producer Perci Intalan echoes this vision. “It’s so uniquely Filipino – our sense of pageantry, the visual spectacle,” he says. 

“Parang moving trophies kasi sila ni Valentin,” explains writer-director Jun Robles Lana. “It has to be big. It has to be outlandish.”

Headpiece and wig artist Jaydee Jasa was also thrilled he has found a project where he is allowed to exaggerate. “When I make headpieces for my different projects, they’d always say, ‘Oh it’s too much. Can you tone it down?’ And when I got to this project, that was what they were asking for.”

Ten Little Mistresses is now streaming on Prime Video in 240 countries and territories.

Photos and video credit: Prime Video


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